You are your family’s first hero. Heroes don’t fret on the day of battle. You may ask when is the day of battle, well nobody knows, that is why it is recommended that you do not get caught unawares.

Always be on guard, like the boycott mantra: be prepared! Don’t let your health deprive you of those wonderful moments with your family.

We shall be working on simple sure home health remedies that will keep sickness at bay, aid recovery and guarantee wholeness.

If you are feeling under the weather…you can work with this home remedies to put you back on the superman track.

Welcome to the avoiding hospital series. Enjoy!!!

I will try the Grandma’s tip if I were you.


Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection caused by contaminated water or food.

Some people are very sensitive to what they eat or drink, a little change in water or cooking can trigger this infections in some persons. If you are one of such then you may want to pay close attention.

Typhoid basically affects the intestinal tract and then spreads to the bloodstream. It may also be called intestinal fever because it mainly affects our intestines.

A bacteria called Salmonella typhi is the causative agent.

Poor hygienic conditions, contaminated food, and unsafe drinking water are the common causes of typhoid. 

However, I will be sharing some basic simple home remedies should you come down or are prone to having this infection. 

But first let’s take about how you can suspect you or your loved one has come down with typhoid fever…

You may have Typhoid fever if you experience the following 

Signs and symptoms 

  • Headache
  • Fever and chills
  • Weakness
  • Abdominal pain with diarrhoea (stooling)
  • Nausea (dizziness) and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Skin rashes (not all cases)

Here are some of the time-tested home remedies for typhoid.

Cold Compresses Remedy

Cold compress
Cold Compress

A major characteristics of fever is high temperatures. Using cold water to bring down this temperature is an age long effective hack.  You can use a damp face towel on your head, arms and feet, armpits and all over your body.

Applying cold compresses on extreme body region brings down the fever most effectively.

You can also soak a full towel in very cold water, squeeze out excess water and place it on your forehead. Repeat this process multiple times.

Drink more water Remedy

Drink water
Drink lots of water

Increasing your fluid intake is a good therapy because Typhoid fever may cause vomiting and diarrhoea that might lead to severe dehydration. In order to prevent  dehydration, continuous intake of fluids is recommended.

Also staying hydrated  helps in the cleansing the body of waste materials and toxins. Apart from water, fruit juices, coconut water, and soups etc will do the trick.

In case of sever or mild dehydration ORS is the best solution to combat the dehydration caused by typhoid fever. Just ensure that you have WHO recommended ORS from a reliable store/pharmacy. You can even make it at home by mixing sugar and salt in a litre of boiled water but I recommend you purchase it to be double sure.

Banana & Garlic Remedy


Did you know Bananas can curb diarrhoea, yes because it contains a soluble fibre – pectin, that helps the intestines absorb fluids, thus curing diarrhoea, it can also bring down the fever in people with typhoid. 

Banana as well have Potassium which helps in replacing the electrolytes lost through vomiting or stooling.

On the other hand, Garlic is a super wonder. It contains antimicrobial properties that help help fight off typhoid bacteria.

Garlic speeds up recovery from typhoid due to its antioxidative properties. It boosts immunity and detoxifies the body.

Grandma’s Tip: Get unripe pawpaw, unripe pineapple, ginger, lime orange and Lipton tea. Cut into pieces, boil with fermented corn water for one hour. Take one glass cup 3 times daily for one week. The ailment will disappear.

Everyday Deals

Tips to follow:

  1. Drink only boiled water or from verified clean source.
  2. Avoid or minimise eating raw vegetables and unwashed fruits.
  3. Regularly take yogurt and or buttermilk to balance your intestinal bacterial flora.
  4. Avoid using items used by previously infected persons. E.g., cup, plate, face towel, handkerchief etc.
  5. Stay warm, avoid exposure to cold weather conditions till symptoms and effects of typhoid subsides, this is because the body is still vulnerable to reinfection after recovery. 
  6. Adequate rest is very important because the infection weakens not only the immune system but the body as well.

After following the home remedy, do the following 

1. Always stay hydrated throughout the day during and after recovery from typhoid. 

2. Take it easy on your diet. You may consult a dietitian or doctor if you can to know more about the what and what not to take after recovery from typhoid fever. 

3. Remember your body is still recovering, so take things easy for a while. You may want to take a temporary break from the gym or your routine workouts.

4. Monitor everything you take in as best as you can. 

5. If you still feel the signs and symptoms earlier mentioned or the effects do not subside, please visit a Doctor as quick as possible. Don’t repeat any more!!!

Disclaimer: This home remedy is an adjunct therapy to be used earlier as you suspect the signs and symptoms.

Remember, your health is your wealth, be on guard.

Yours in health.

The Nursing Father!


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